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Financial disclosures help prevent and identify potential conflicts of interest by providing for a systematic review of the financial interests of current and prospective public employees and candidates for elected office. DISCLAIMER: The financial data presented in our database includes the filer as well as his or her spouse and dependent children whenever applicable. Click on the "original form" link under each name to see the breakdown of these sources.

2016 Financial Disclosure

Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran


1. Source of Income Total Income: $85,000 - $175,000
2. Ownership or beneficial interests in business Total Value: $150,000 - $300,000
3. Transfer of ownership or beneficial interest in business Transfers: 2
4. Creditors Total Debts: $20,000 - $50,000
5. Officerships, directorships, trusteeships Businesses: 3
6. Interests in real property held, excluding personal residence(s) Total Value: $400,000 - $750,000
9. Interests in Personal Residence (Maui County Only) Amount Owed: N/A
10. Clients personally represented before state agencies Clients: 4
11. Creditor interests in insolvent businesses Total Value: N/A
12. Gifts Total Value: N/A


1. Source of Income
Source Services Rendered Amount
Takitani Agaran & Jorgensen, LLLP Legal Services for various clients of the law firm $25,000 - $50,000
State of Hawaii Legislator $50,000 - $100,000
Self Rents from real property owned by family trusts, sister and filer $10,000 - $25,000
  $85,000 - $175,000
2. Ownership or Beneficial Interests in Business
Business Name Nature of Business Nature of Interest Amount
Takitani Agaran & Jorgensen, LLLP Law Partnership Partner $25,000 - $50,000
Domini Social Equity Mutual Fund Stock $25,000 - $50,000
AMK Grandchildrens Trust (SPOUSE) Trust Beneficiary $50,000 - $100,000
Polaris Platinum II Rewards Variable Annuity Mutual Fund Stock $50,000 - $100,000
  $150,000 - $300,000
3. Transfer of Ownership or Beneficial Interest in Business
Business Name Nature of Business Nature of Interest Amount
290 Domini Social Equity Shares Redeemed N/A
100 Domini Social Equity Shares Redeemed N/A
4. Creditors
Business Name Original Amount Owed Amount Outstanding
Anthony P. Takitani $10,000 - $25,000 $10,000 - $25,000
First Hawaiian Bank $10,000 - $25,000 $10,000 - $25,000
Valley Isle Community Federal Credit Union $10,000 - $25,000 A ($0)
5. Officerships, Directorships, Trusteeships
Business Name Title Held Term of Office Annual Compensation
Friends of Maui Waena Director 9/11- present $0
Tri-Isle Resource Conservation and Development Council President 1/15 - present $0
Yale Club of Hawaii Treasurer 8/12 - 1/16 $0
6. Interests in Real Property Held, Excluding Personal Residence(s)
Street Address Tax Map Key Number Value
364 S. Lehua St., Kahaului, HI (2) 3-9-64-012 $150,000 - $250,000
1935/188 Olu St. Wailuku HI (JOINT) (2) 3-4-017: 140, 141 $250,000 - $500,000
  $400,000 - $750,000
7. Interests in Real Property Acquired, Excluding Personal Residence(s)
Street Address Tax Map Key Number Value
8. Interests in Real Property Transferred, Excluding Personal Residence(s)
Street Address Tax Map Key Number Value
9. Interests in Personal Residence (Maui County Only)
Mortgage Holder Address Amount Owed
10. Clients Personally Represented Before State Agencies
Name of Client Name of State Agency
Lahaina Drivers, Inc. Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Department of Boating and Ocean Recreation
Makena Boat Partners DLNR/DOBOR: DLNR/Land Division
DAGG, INC Dept of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA); Business Registration (BREG)
Maui Recovery LLC DCCA/BREG
11. Creditor Interests in Insolvent Businesses
Name of Business Nature of Business Nature of Interest Value
12. Gifts
Recipient Nature of Source Description Date Received Value